
Melbourne Weight Loss Centre, VIC

Individual results may vary between patients. The information provided should only be used as a guide based on the published data available. Melbourne Weight Loss Centre cannot guarantee the expected results of your procedure as there are numerous factors that can influence the outcome or success of your surgery. Some of these factors are beyond the control and use of optimal surgical techniques and some are also independent of the choice of procedure.

Expectations on outcomes of surgical and non-surgical treatments should be discussed with your surgeon before agreeing to undergo a procedure. The educational material on this website cannot replace the clinical assessment and advice of a specialist regarding your condition. Any potential benefits, risks, and complications relating to the procedure and your individual circumstances will need to be fully discussed and considered carefully with your surgeon before providing written consent for your surgery.

Many external links have been provided on this site as a service and convenience to our patients and other visitors to our website. These external sites are created and maintained by other public and private organizations. We do not control or guarantee the accuracy, relevance, timeliness, or completeness of this outside information.